Tuesday, January 20, 2009


LOOKS: Why They Matter More Than You Ever Imagined
Gordon L Patzer.
New York: Amacom 2007
ISBN 978-0-8144-8054-0

Circa 350 BCE: Aristotle got it right when he noted, ‘Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.’ Circa the present: Maria Cruz got it all wrong when she ended up in a suitcase embedded in cement after unsuccessful plastic surgery for breast implants; her surgeon, scared out of his wits by the unexpected fatality of his case,was in desperation trying to cover his tracks.
Gordon Patzer’s ‘Looks’ brings us face to face with the ugliness of beauty, starting with mankind’s instinctive attraction to good looks, tracing the painful extents to which folks will go to achieve them.
Biologically it makes sound sense to be good looking, because it automatically means good reproductive health. Our selfish genes of course want to thrive. Hence men are attracted to young healthy well endowed females. Barbie doll’s outlandish proportions are related to a study by Grazyna Jasienka of Krakow, Poland. She states that women with large breasts and small waists have 26% more estrogen throughout their monthly cycle, peaking at 37% at mid-cycle. Thus these women are three times more likely to become pregnant than women without these proportions.
Humans instantly recognize the shape of health by symmetry and proportion. Stephen Marquart, a California physician, has stated that the basis of an ideal face is a mathematical concept ‘phi’ which is the ratio 1: 1.618. His ultimate geometric face shape called the Golden Decagon Matrix neatly replicates the most common form of DNA.
Beauty, then, does not merely lie in the eye of the beholder; it might well have universal standards. Novelist Jennifer Egan found that in online dating, though the values and life goals are important in a partner, what most matter most are the photos posted, which are usually ‘touched up’ by professionals. At an actual meeting potential partners turn out shorter, fatter or balder. Though females do not choose the father of their child based only on good looks, a study by Urbaniak and Kilman revealed that the members of the distaff group they interviewed want nice guys as friends or perhaps even fathers of their children, but as sexual partners they want physically attractive males.
Parents too invest more time, care and money in their good looking child than in its not so good looking sibling; this seems built in because the good looking child, more likely to be healthy is also more likely to live to maturity. Such a child is also more sociable and well adjusted. Even infants up to one year are partial to physical attractiveness. While they will cry if an ugly stranger approaches them, they themselves will approach a good looking stranger.

Teachers inherently expect good looking pupils to perform well. They give them higher grades, more attention and less punishment. Teachers’ expectations from pupils became the subject of Rob Rosenthal’s ‘Pygmalion in a Classroom’. The Harvard researcher’s ground breaking finding was that a child would demonstrate higher intelligence just because his teacher expected it of him. Thus if a teacher expects good looking children to be popular, she expects the not good looking pupils to be loners. The children themselves associate fat peers with being lazy and stupid, thin ones with being lonely and weak and average built ones with being smart, strong, happy and popular. This makes unattractive children more prone to being bullied and ridiculed. The infamous shooting at Columbine High School, Colorado, in 1999 was an act of revenge by unattractive children.
In the job market, ‘Hire the Handsome’ seems to have long been the witting or unwitting policy. It is observed that tall men earn 15% more than their shorter counterparts, which translates into a benefit of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Reason? Evolutionary psychologists say height is associated with power and strength.
In 1988, Darby and Jeffers of Ohio’s Denison University created a mock trial to investigate the effects of a defendant’s looks on a jury. The results were not surprising. Good looking defendants are less likely to be convicted and when they are, they get less severe punishment. However, if the defendant is a good looking wife charged with the murder of an unattractive husband, she is likely to get a more severe punishment.
The American voter’s shocking and pitiful lack of information about presidential candidates, already legendary, often makes them vote, based on the candidate’s physical appearance rather than the character. So being overweight, ugly or bald is a strict ‘no no’ for presidential hopefuls.

In the 1830s magazine covers started having color photographs of live models instead of hand drawn illustrations. The harsh laws of physics, added about 10% weight to the two dimensional picture of the three dimensional model. Solution? Choose models who were 10% less in weight than the normal. Since then the pressure to fit into this standard has spawned a multi billion dollar industry of good looks.
Etcoff and Orbach in their 2004 global report on women, beauty and well-being, ‘The Real Truth about Beauty’ reveal that only 2% of women claimed to be beautiful. Women’s ideas of being beautiful included ‘being loved, kind, confident, dignified, having a sense of humor, and having close relationships’. Researchers in advertising and marketing already suspect that many women resent ads that endorse unattainable beauty. But millions of women are willing to pay any price for good looks. Bulimia, anorexia and binge eating are common eating disorders of teenage girls in the USA. Terri Schiavo who was severely overweight in high school became obsessed with fitness and fasting. In 1990 she slipped into a coma because of her starvation, A prolonged legal battle on whether she ought to be kept alive with artificial support ensued and she died in 2005.
Body dysmorphic disorder affects three million Americans. This condition is associated with anxiety or distress over insignificant or imaginary flaws, often being preoccupied with the skin, hair or nose. Sometimes it centers on body configuration. It continues to affect more and more people in this form, though it is proven that diet and exercise work better to reduce it than medication or psychotherapy.

Medical cosmetics like Botox, chemical peels, laser skin re-surfacing, liposuction, breast implants, vaginoplasty, to name the well known, have lured the rich and the poor, the educated and the untutored. Attendant adversities abound, like fatal heart complications after taking fenfluramine and phentermine tablets for weight loss; a patient losing her legs when surgeons punctured her intestines during a tummy tuck. Olivia Goldsmith a bestseller novelist went in for a chin tuck at the prestigious Manhattan Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, slipped into a coma and died in 2004.
Yet the beauty business seems ever booming. Dr David Matlock earned three million dollars from just 316 cases of vaginoplasty in 2006. L’oreal the cosmetics giant exceeded 251 billion dollars of business in 2007. It’s not just the urban rich who are exposed to beautiful people and glamorous lives that they want to emulate. Men of the Ariaal tribe in Kenya, chose the pictures well sculpted bodies as the more desirable over unremarkable ones.
Patzer, a Lifetime Professor Emeritus and former university dean passionately pursued the subject of ‘lookism’. His educative tome advises us that we can challenge ‘lookism’ or at least lessen its power by knowing ourselves better, by being aware of how we judge or misjudge others and by being more sensitive in our interactions with other people.
~Chanda A Bhide

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